BLIND GUARDIAN ' celebrate release of "Beyond The Red Mirror" with their own brand of wine
February 2, 2015
Metal's highly-esteemed storytellersBLIND GUARDIANhave just released their highly-anticipated tenth studio release,"Beyond the Red Mirror", on January 30in Europe and February 02 in the UK. Now the band announces the publication of their own brand of wine, the "Red Mirror Merlot".
Originating from the Spanish growing area Aragon (where wine has been cultivated for more than 2000 years now), the wine has a total of 14% alcoholic volume and according to the vocalist Hansi Kürsch, it fits the new album perfectly:"The wine is just as playful and fresh and has the same depth. We are all passionate red-wine drinkers and the "Red Mirror Merlot" has a fantastic taste."
You can order the "Red Mirror Merlot" at the following destination:
"Beyond The Red Mirror"is out asJewel Case CD (10 songs), Limited Edition Digi-Pak/Digi-Book (11 songs), Double LP gatefold vinyl (11 songs), EarBook (12 songs plus illustrations, photos, and liner notes) & as an Exclusive Limited Edition NB Mail-Order Earbook (12 songs plus illustrations, photos, liner notes + bonus 10") in Europe and the UK, due out on February 03 in the US. Order your copy here:
More on"Beyond The Red Mirror":
Trailer #1:

Trailer #2:

Trailer #3:

Trailer #4:

Trailer #5:

Trailer #6:

Trailer #7:

Watch the lyric video of'Twilight of the Gods':

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