BLEEDING RED: Working On New Album

The German blackened death metal outfitBLEEDING REDis currently working on the follow up to their […]
August 28, 2014

The German blackened death metal outfitBLEEDING REDis currently working on the follow up to their debut album "Evolution's Crown" from 2012.

After long wrangling the band was finally able to get to an agreement with their former record company and start with the songwriting for the new, yet untitled album.

Vocalist and guitar player Timo states:

"It's done! After a long and sapping struggle we have managed to exempt from our previous record company and are finally ready to go about a new album! We've got a couple of songs done in their basics and are already excited about what this new era will bring!"

More information coming soon!
"Evolution's Crown" was released in March 2012. The album is now available again in the band's online shop!

Checkt also the band's videoclips:




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