BLASPHEMIC CRUELTY: Reveal Cover For New Hells Headbangers Mini Album
December 6, 2014
Today, deaththrash commandosBlasphemic Crueltyreveal the cover art for their upcoming mini-album forHells Headbangers, to be titledCrucible of the Infernum. Painted by Juanjo Castellano Rosado, the cover art (above) forBlasphemic Cruelty'sCrucible of the Infernumwill feature on both the mini-CD and mini-LP versions. A statement from founding guitarist Gene Palubicki reads: "It has taken a bit of time, since 2008, to get back here with some newBlasphemic Crueltymaterial, but time has come for our death engines to rattle, and it is in the form ofCrucible of the Infernum.It will featurethree new full-force death/thrash insanities as the band is known for from the previous output and a merciless cover version of Sodom's 'The Crippler.' Final mixing sessions are in mid-January, and we're aimingfor an early 2015 release."
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