BLACK THUNDER: Joins Forces with Rock On Agency.

Rock On Agency proudly announces a new band joining the roster. Black Thunder is a […]
March 11, 2019

Rock On Agency proudly announces a new band joining the roster. Black Thunder is a Hard 'n' Heavy Metal band from Italy, inspired by the 80's classic Heavy Metal and by melodic reminiscences of Hard Rock. Their second album titled "All My Scars", will be released on May 8th in digital format by Club Inferno Ent. and they will go as usual to promote it with a series of live shows.

"All My Scars" is a mix of sensations, moods, opinions and feelings such as anger, anti-religious ideas, violence, resilience to life, dream, hope and it is extremely personal, with an excellent musical appeal that goes to gather support in both Hard Rock and Heavy Metal audiences.

The sound created is very direct, with voices and choirs blend together with the compositional structure. Using the old school as a base for their twisted musical fantasies, this album is overwhelmed by cutting discordant riffs, eclectic rhythmic structures and solid voices. The result is a powerful and direct album, a real shattering and upsetting musical experience!

Rock On Agency
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