BEYOND THE REDSHIFT" Festival Full Lineup

Curated by Cult of Luna. Presented by MAMA, NMC Live, Metal Hammer & PROG. Saturday […]
March 20, 2014

Curated by Cult of Luna.

Presented by MAMA, NMC Live, Metal Hammer & PROG.

Saturday 10th May 2014.

London: The Forum, The Dome & Boston Music Room.

Saturday 10th May will see London host an audio-visual experience built around a concept and line up curated and headlined by Sweden's CULT OF LUNA. An artist who for over a decade has helped mould and expand the notion of what heavy music can be, the diverse musicians they have put together should come as no surprise to those familiar with their music.

The third and final wave of bands announced focuses on some of the gems on our smaller stages that might just surprise those attending for the stellar line up of heavyweights in The Forum.

Those closely familiar with Cult of Luna will be aware of Kristian Karlsson's "other" outfit, the instrumental experimentalistsPG.LOST. Aptly opening this announcement, they bridge the gap from mellower elements to heavier sounds, which will not be forgotten once the incredible ABRAHAM hit the stage.

ESBEN AND THE WITCH bring a dark sound that The Quietus describes as "haunting and lucid", their shoegaze brushstrokes finding common ground with Bristol's THOUGHT FORMS, touring partners of both 65daysofstatic and Portishead. Soundscapes, ambience and delicacy can be found in the music of both GREG HAINES and SHIELD PATTERNS, whilst Anathema collaborating PETTER CARLSEN will bring some cultured songwriting and a new, rhythmically focused album to the event.

The line up is completed by a triple-bill of contrasting but equally thrilling heaviness in the form of the new Taint incarnation and Clutch collaborators HARK, the engulfing onslaught of ATLANTIS and the Terrorizer endorsed "tumultuous, cathartic grooves" ofCANAYA.

Indie Recordings
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