Best of Melodic Death|Folk|Black And Power Metal - Compilation CD

Best of MDM|Folk|Black and Power metal Compilation CD | Digital Pack started back in 2013, […]
May 10, 2014

Best of MDM|Folk|Black and Power metal Compilation CD | Digital Pack started back in 2013, as a FB project by two friends,mostly hugeWintersunfans and addicts to Melodic Scandinavian genres of metal.

We basically were a small group of people having fun and spreading knowledge about of one of beloved metal genres out there,and day by day we grew up to an honorable crew making dayily updates with Norse mitology,everyday happenings in Melodic metal area via few internet site (FB, YouTube, Deviant-art, Tumblr, Last.fmetc.)

Compilation CD Digital pack idea was made by Branislav (a.k.a Winterfate) and meant to be all-in-one promotional pack with infoes,singles,photos of the bands incuded within,and we are trying to arrange best possible promotion for them,of course all of the credits along with material goes to bands!
We are going to upload the Compilation CD on few sites (torrents) and spread it along the interenet like H1N1 ! Gonna be wild,headbangers!!

After more than a month of a work, it's here,26 bands!
Check out them,spread it,share and download FOR FREE!

The Pirate Bay -

DropBox -

Soon to be videos,soundcloud linking and more downloadable mirrorssites (torrents)!
Thank you all,and have a great time.

Branislav Stanojevic
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