BERKOWITZ: Sign to Horror Pain Gore Death.

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have signed Virginia Beach, Virginia's vile Goregrinders Berkowitz and are […]
January 31, 2019

Horror Pain Gore Death Productions have signed Virginia Beach, Virginia's vile Goregrinders Berkowitz and are set to release their new album "World Gone To Shit" March 8th as a Digital album. Below is the official description:

Berkowitz make their Horror Pain Gore Death Productions debut with the new album "World Gone To Shit"! Formed in 2017 in Virginia Beach Virginia, Berkowitz unleash twelve tracks of filthy Goregrind from ex-members of Throne Of Botis, Murder and Gates Of Endor. "World Gone To Shit" is an impressive album of old school, rough and raw brutality for fans of Dahmer, 5 Stabbed 4 Corpses, Flesh Parade, Gutalax, Haggus, Insect Warfare, Macabre and Repulsion.

Pre-order the Digital Download for only $6.66 at

Pre-order the T-Shirt for only $15 at

Listen to the track "(Body Integrity Identity Disorder)" at:

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1. Pallor Mortis
2. Anesthesia Awareness
3. Ball Cutter
4. 42 Pine
5. (Body Integrity Identity Disorder)
6. Munging
7. Bifurcation
8. Propofol
9. Carrion Fleshlight
10. Ambulophobia
11. Adipocere
12. Hyocine

Horror Pain Gore Death
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