BENIGHTED censored by Facebook
February 22, 2014
French brutal death metallers BENIGHTED have received a special St. Valentine's gift from Facebook. The social network provider pulled the band's account in a blatant display of American style censorship.
Julien Truchan provides a chronology of the events: "We received a warning, when we displayed our new album cover for the first time", explains the singer. "We reacted and removed it. Afterwards the problem seemed to be those links that other people sent to our Facebook page displaying our cover. We thought, we could avoid the problem by hiding the offending nipple behind the face of a certain famous cartoon mouse. Apparently this wasn't enough or not what they wanted, because this let to our Facebook page finally being deleted despite our appeal. It seems a cartoon mouse on a nipple is even more offending than a nipple alone. We were shocked to learn that not only our page was removed, but several event pages including Benighted were closed down at the same time. We are sorry to learn that the affected promoters had to create new pages. At the same time we are glad to have experienced so much support and understanding. Thank you all for your great support!"
The general Facebook terms and conditions strictly prohibit any nudity. Apparently fire arms, skinned or maimed animals as well as Nazi symbols are far less offensive and more natural than a female breast. To cover nudity by corporate owned icons seems to enhance its shock value.
Due to the lack of alternatives, BENIGHTED have created a new page to replace the new defunct link ( and will do their very best to avoid female nipples or cartoon mice:
"Carnivore Sublime" has meanwhile been released on the 14th of February 2014 and is available for order via the Season of Mist e-shop. Tracklist and uncensored artwork can be viewed below:
1. X2Y
2. Noise
3. Experience Your Flesh
4. Slaughter/Suicide
5. Spit
6. Defiled Purity
7. Jekyll
8. Collection of Dead Portraits
9. Carnivore Sublime
10. Les Morsures de Cerbère
11. June and the Laconic Solstice
A limited deluxe edition of "Carnivore Sublime" has been released in digibox format including a bonus CD, a patch, a pin and a poster and is also available through the Season of Mist e-shop. The track listing of the bonus disc reads as follows:
1. Meticulous Invagination (ABORTED cover)
2. Du riechst so gut (RAMMSTEIN cover)
3. Old (MACHINE HEAD cover)
4. The Twins (live)
5. Saw it All (live)
6. Forsaken (live)
7. Nemesis (live)
8. Spit (demo version)
9. Collection of Dead Portraits (demo version)
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