BELPHEGOR: New Live Footage; Asian Dates Announced
March 31, 2015
BELPHEGOR will return toAsia for three rituals this May. The troop will play in China for the first time and play the following two dates in Japan:
09.05. CHN Beijing - Yu Gong Yi Shan
12.05. JP Tokyo - Shibuya Club Quattro
13.05. JP Tokyo - Astro Hall
BELPHEGOR also released a new live video. Check out this video of thetitle track, from the latest offering "CONJURING THE DEAD", recorded at Loud Park festival in Tokyo, October 19th 2014:
(Live footagecourtesyofWOWOW On-Air "Loud Park 14 Special"broadcast. Live Sound: Norwin Palme/ FOH.)
Serpenth comments:
"The ingenious Loud Park festival last year was an excellent experience. We're looking forward to coming back to Tokyo in
May and marching into China for the very first time. Expect Diabolical Death Musick".
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