BEAUTALITY: Premiere New Track At Metal Hammer Uk's Website

London-based post-black metallersBEAUTALITYare premiering a new track exclusively withMetal Hammer! Entitled "Unreality", the song is […]
February 4, 2015

London-based post-black metallersBEAUTALITYare premiering a new track exclusively withMetal Hammer! Entitled "Unreality", the song is taken from the band's upcomingEinfallen: A Tale Ov Torment & Triumphalbum, which is alreadyavailable to pre-order now from Bandcamp.

Speaking about the song, vocalist David Ravengarde toldMetal Hammer:"Unreality is the end of the journey. A visceral, near spiritual tour de force through blinding lights and stygian sights. The astral road to redemption lies ahead- but it won't be easy."

Nordavind Records
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