BEAUTALITY: Announce New Album Details

London-based atmospheric black post-metal entity BEAUTALITY will release their bold new album entitled Einfalen: A […]
December 18, 2014

London-based atmospheric black post-metal entity BEAUTALITY will release their bold new album entitled Einfalen: A Tale Ov Torment & Triumph on March 16th via Nordavind Records.

Recorded by Tom Dring at Vagrant Recordings tirelessly in six days only and averaging work days of 15-22 hours, this magnum opus will certainly be embraced by fans of ALCEST, CODE, AUSTERE and ENSLAVED, and cause a stir with its haunting melodies and its entrancing atmospheric journey through torment and triumph, light, dark and far beyond.

Originally planned to be released as an EP, the vision and scope far outgrew it's inception and became an incredibly ambitious concept album depicting the emotional intensity and limits of the mind and astral plane collectively.

The bands ambitious sophomore full-length telling the story of descent into eventual redemption will be available on two discs (featuring limited edition bonus artwork by band mastermind David Ravengarde) and digital formats.

Cover and tracklisting as follows:

Act One: Torment
I. Einfallen
II. Doppelgänger
III. The Devil's Elixir

Act Two: Triumph
IV. From The Abyss
V. Messias
VI. Unreality

Einfallen: A Tale Ov Torment & Triumph will be released on the 6th anniversary of Beautality. Prepare yourselves for the vanguard of modern metal.

Nordavind Records
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