BE UNDER ARMS Ink Management Deal With GlobMetal Promotions

Russian Nu Metal/Alternative Metal band BE UNDER ARMS has inked a worldwide management deal with […]
December 9, 2014

Russian Nu Metal/Alternative Metal band BE UNDER ARMS has inked a worldwide management deal with GlobMetal Promotions.

The band vocalist Vladimir Nasonov says: "We started the cooperation with GlobMetal Promotions, as we are very interested in promoting the group in all possible ways, and we believe that this project really helps in this to young bands. We are waiting to see the reaction of the European public on our new album!"

The band formed at the beginning of 2013 by vocalists Anna Logacheva and Vladimir Nasonov, and in 2014 they released their first full-length album "Let shots will be your music" witch GlobMetal Promotions will promote.

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