BARBE-Q-BARBIES: Sign to Dissonance Productions.

Finland's Hard Rocking BARBE-Q-BARBIES will release their as yet untitled fourth album via the Dissonance […]
February 12, 2019

Finland's Hard Rocking BARBE-Q-BARBIES will release their as yet untitled fourth album via the Dissonance label on May 10th 2019.

In a sea of auto-tuned hard rock clones and sunset strip wannabes the BARBE-Q-BARBIES are exactly what the world needs right now. This Finnish band is here to set the record straight. Rock is, was, and always will be raw, dirty, and bad to the bone.

Their last album "DRIVEN" is full of licks and hits harking back to the glory years of AC/DC, QOTSA, KISS, and MOTÖRHEAD, but with an added fuel injection of Helsinki attitude and femme fatale vocals that'll blow your mind. With this, the BARBIES have simultaneously created their own style and revitalized the genre. The new album is no departure from the bands roots but has a new youthful injection with new guitarist Heidi Meri. The new album has nine high octane rock n roll classics. The Barbs are back!

Live, these girls really come into their own. Headline shows up and down the country and opening slots for NEW YORK DOLLS and WASP (to name just a few) have earned them a reputation as energetic, unpredictable, and uncompromising, but always fun and entertaining. For the BARBE-Q-BARBIES the party doesn't stop. They live and breathe rock, punk, sleaze and trash. Expect to get your mind blown!"

''This is a big step for our band. We're moving up in the world by signing a deal with Dissonance in England. It's super exciting and we're in the majors and we're upping our game because of it. The new record is inspired by the ups and downs of life, love, betrayal, innocence, lust and Rock And Roll! We want to say thank you to our fans for their support. We've been on the road since 2002, it's been a long journey. We've got a great new guitarist, Heidi Meri. Her sound is inspiring, and it's giving this album a fresh sound. She's a perfect fit to our little family and you can hear it in the sound of the new album. So we're ready to rock and hope to see you all at the shows. ' -Barbe-Q-Barbies''

Bart Gabriel
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