BANTORIAK: Signs With Argonauta Records

We're excited to announce the new intriguing name in the ARGONAUTA Records family! BANTORIAK is […]
December 6, 2014

We're excited to announce the new intriguing name in the ARGONAUTA Records family! BANTORIAK is a project by Izio Orsini, involving other Italian musicians, that follows the one vision of an experimental work influenced by psychedelic, doom and atmospheric sound.

Beyond genres, it flows as hypnotic trip from the Ganges river to the California desert, reflecting the genuine approach on the musical taste, playing entirely with 70's vintage and handcrafted instruments.

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Mattia Cominotto at Greenfog Studio (INFECTION CODE, EREMITE), the forthcoming album, scheduled for early 2015, will feature on drums Fabio of EREMITE and guest vocals by Rosy (PROFANAL) and Giacomo (ISAAK).

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