ASHCLOUD: Cover art, advance song & track list!!‏

As announced before, here's the cover art for the debut album of swedish Deathmetallers ASHCLOUD […]
February 6, 2015

As announced before, here's the cover art for the debut album of swedish Deathmetallers ASHCLOUD "Abandon All Light" which was created by renowned swedish artist Daniel Devilish.

ASHCLOUD is the product of Jonny Pettersson's sick mind, who's also vocalist in the legendary swedish band WOMBBATH. Expect nothing but a heavy crusty Death Metal influenced by bands like CARNAGE, BOLT THROWER, VOMITORY, ENTOMBED, CONVULSE...

Track list for "Abandon All Light" is:

1. Under Dödens Vingar (pt.1)
2. Abandon All Light
3. A Hunderd Years of Darkness
4. Devoured Alive
5. Drowning in Your Own Blood
6. Watch Your Children Burn
7. The Second Wind is Coming
8. Under Dödens Vingar (pt.2)

Release date for "Abandon All Light" is set for March 10th and in the meantime, you can listen to an exclusive advance track on the following links:

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