ARKAN premiere new track

French Oriental metal act ARKAN is now premiering a new song of their forthcoming third […]
May 6, 2014

French Oriental metal act ARKAN is now premiering a new song of their forthcoming third full-length "Sofia". The track entitled "Endless Way" is now exclusively streaming world wide via French webzine La Grosse Radio!

"Sofia" will be released on Digipak CD on May 23rd, 2014. The album can already be pre-ordered on Season of Mist's e-shop. Artwork and tracklist are shown below:

1. Hayati
2. My Reverence
3. March of Sorrow
4. Leaving Us
5. Soiled Dreams
6. Deafening Silence
7. Endless Way
8. Wingless Angels
9. Beauty Asleep
10. Scar of Sadness
11. Cold Night's Dream
12. Dark Epilogue
(9. – 12. Sofia)

The sudden loss of a life far too young is always a cataclysmic event for those left behind. A void is left in place of what might have been. Pain and tears erase all smiles. "Sofia" is the artistic legacy of such a tragedy that befell a member of ARKAN – a Parisian Metal band founded by former THE OLD DEAD TREE drummer Foued Moukid in the year 2005. That deep personal crisis easily explains the change of musical spirit, which occurred between 2011's sophomore album "Salam" ("Peace") and "Sofia". The band's trademark whirlwind of Arabic percussion and crushing guitar riffing has audibly matured into a much more melancholic and subtle sound. There are still those magical moments of ancient oriental string instruments, but they blend in more organically than before. The dark warmth of Sarah Layssac's vocals has deservedly gained more room, while Florent Jannier's deep growls now rarely make an appearance in favour of more clean singing. Heartbreaking suffering has been turned into music. Yet instead of wailing in self-pity, beauty and hope are offered without forgetting the scars. Foued founded ARKAN with a clear goal to amalgamate melodic Death Metal with Oriental traditions, whose roots reach deep down into the ethnic sounds of Algeria and Morocco. The result was the debut "Hilal" (2008), which made the band brothers in spirit of Oriental Metal bands such as ORPHANED LAND. Now ARKAN have redefined their style without losing touch of their base. Continuity also dwells in working again with Studio Fredman. "Sofia" is a deeply heartfelt tribute that reveals more secrets of its detailed textures and meaningful melodies with each new spin. There are treasures to be found by those who listen well and with care...

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