ARCKANUM Reveals First Details About New Album.
It was planned as an EP but has turned out to be a full-length album. […]
March 24, 2017
It was planned as an EP but has turned out to be a full-length album. The legendary Swedish one man band ARCKANUM is currently recording its new album. It will be called "Den Förstfödde" and will be released in Summer 2017 via Folter Records.
The new ARCKANUM album "Den Förstfödde", ("The First Born" in Swedish), is a dedication to the first son of Loki and Angrboða, his name is Jörmungandr, the Giant Thursian serpent whose enormous power encircles the worlds. This album will be dark and heavy to sonically imitate the primordial voice of the serpent. Shamaatae has chosen to write the entire album in Swedish, and some of the song titles are "Likt Utgårds Himmel", "Kittelns Beska", and "Du Grymme Smed".
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