ARCH ENEMY - premieres new lyric video for "As The Pages Burn" online; upcoming album, 'War Eternal', now available for pre-order

After recently launching a video for their new album's title track (which has already surpassed […]
May 7, 2014

After recently launching a video for their new album's title track (which has already surpassed 2 million views on YouTube), metal icons ARCH ENEMY are now ready to unleash the second single from their upcoming 9th full-length, War Eternal, due out worldwide via Century Media Records (Trooper Entertainment in Japan) on June 9th in Europe and June 10th in North America. To watch this new lyric video for "As The Pages Burn", click the link below:

Chief song-writer and band leader Michael Amott comments: "'As The Pages Burn' almost goes back to the style of writing that I had in the late 90's. It's very old school ARCH ENEMY with an almost SLAYER-vibe in the intro/verse and a huge melodic chorus. A bit like 'The Immortal' and other AE classics of that time. The middle section is very classical music inspired ' a twin guitar part that is a lot fun to play. Alissa wrote the lyrics for the song. This song is an example of what I love about collaborating' in the songwriting, I'm giving her the instrumental, and she comes from a different background, and the two different approaches merge together to form a very interesting result that blew my mind. It's one of my favorite tracks on the album."

Front-woman Alissa White-Gluz adds: "'As The Pages Burn' is also one of my favorite songs. I think it's going to be a very fun song to perform live. I really like fast-paced, energetic songs. A lot of the lyrics on the album are coming straight from my brain during sleepless nights. I often wake up in the middle of the night from horrible nightmares and just start writing songs. For whatever reason, I like the lyrics that I get that way, they feel real and uncensored. This song is one that I wrote at 4am in the dark, half asleep. In the morning I woke up and thought, 'This is cool, I'm going to use this, and I know just the music to put it to'. The musical dynamics in the song are very satisfying to sing to as well. I hope you like it!"

For another preview of War Eternal, be sure to check out the video for the title track, created by Patric Ullaeus

War Eternal can now be pre-ordered digitally in Europe at iTunes & AmazonMP3 with the tracks "War Eternal" and "As The Pages Burn" available as instant downloads upon purchase (a third track, "You Will Know My Name", will be instantly downloaded on May 26th)

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