AQME: 3 Songs on French TV Program
February 16, 2015
Few bands can survive the departure of their singer. ForAqME, it was a no brainer, on the contrary they stood up, whatever happens, chins up to adversity. Beyond the religious symbolism, it is also in its conquering subconscious that we must understand the title of theirseventh studio album, "Devisager Dieu" ("Staring at God"). No fair to faith nor happiness sprinkled with holy water but a cheeky entity, even in the heart of the storm, looks right in the eye of their fate and take the lead. This confidence,AqMEfound iton the road the past two years, slaying audiences with what will be remembered as some of the most energetic shows of their History.
Discover 3 songs from "Devisager Dieu" played live on French TV Program"Une Dose de Metal" (Enorme TV).
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