APE-LORD: (ex-Meliah Rage) Signs to Unable Records

Former Members of Meliah Rage and The Bags Seek New Direction with UnableRecords CHERRY HILL, […]
June 4, 2014

Former Members of Meliah Rage and The Bags Seek New Direction with UnableRecords

CHERRY HILL, NJ - New Jersey-based independent record label Unable Recordshas announced that it has signed the Boston-based powerhouse Mexican ApeLord. Formed in 2013 by Meliah Rage guitarist and co-founder AnthonyNichols and The Bags' vocalist and bassist Jon Hardy, Mexican Ape-Lordplays a unique and edgy brand of heavy metal. With this being the secondmetal release this year, Unable Records, historically a punk label since2007, is continuing the momentum gained by the outside-of-the-box signingof heavy metal band Mongrel in April.

In the initial stages of this new contract, Unable Records will re-releaseand service Mexican Ape-Lord's debut album entitled The Late HeavyBombardment. Originally self-released by the band in January 2014 in adigital-only format, Unable Records will expand the reach of the albumwith global distribution and the pressing of CDs. The reissued version ofThe Late Heavy Bombardment will contain remastered tracks and expandedalbum artwork.

Brave Words said The Late Heavy Bombardment "is a balls-out metalalbum...from two icons of the Massachusetts metal scene" and Maximum Metalraved that it is "grooves galore from Meliah Rage guitarist AnthonyNichols. Check them out!"

While talks continue regarding additional releases, look for the UnableRecords reissue of Mexican Ape-Lord's full length album, The Late HeavyBombardment, coming June 17, 2014. For more information please visit www.UnableRecords.com or www.mexicanapelord.com.

Unable Records
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