ANTI-MORTEM - release exclusive acoustic performance clip for 'John The Revelator' cover

Oklahoma natives & saviors of southern-infused hard rock, ANTI-MORTEM, have released their third acoustic performance […]
April 4, 2014

Oklahoma natives & saviors of southern-infused hard rock, ANTI-MORTEM, have released their third acoustic performance video, shot in one take at the band's rehearsal space for their cover of the traditional blues song 'John The Revelator':

The acoustic performance for the song 'Hate Automatic' can be watched here:
'Truck Stop Special' is available here:

Both songs come off the band's highly anticipated debut album, "New Southern", which will be released in North America in physical & digital formats on April 25th via Nuclear Blast Entertainment. The album was produced, recorded, and mixed by the esteemed Bob Marlette (BLACK STONE CHERRY, LYNYRD SKYNYRD, SHINEDOWN, ROB ZOMBIE) and features artwork by Brent Elliott White (DEATH ANGEL, JOB FOR A COWBOY, TRIVIUM).

The "New Southern" pre-order bundle ' which includes the album + a t-shirt with exclusive artwork - is available now via the album's landing page:

Nuclear Blast
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