ANTE-INFERNO: Unleash a storm of darkness, with the chilling "Fane"!
March 16, 2020
The whispers began in the winter of 2017, when the demo, A Dream Of The Devil was released; a new force in UK black metal was emerging. From the hills of the north came a sound of violence and revelation...the sound of Ante-Inferno. Now, as a new decade dawns, the first full length album from Ante-Inferno is ready to be unleashed. Arcane knowledge and ravenous riffs, the sound of truth and fury, visions from beyond the darkness ' Fane is coming.
Fane is formed of seven sacred songs, seven incantations of wickedness, seven gifts of magic and madness. Each track is a step along a winding path through shadow realms and lost realities; they bleed into each other, aching atmosphere and rabid ferocity, icy grandeur and raging flames against a midnight sky. This is black metal at its most forceful and most enthralling ' exhilarating and bestial yet imbued with an undeniable beauty and with the promise of secrets to be shared in each barbed melody. Anyone who has witnessed the breathtaking assault of Ante-Inferno live will know the soul shaking power that can be expected from songs like 'Worship', 'Oath' and 'Fragments'. This is an irresistible invocation, a haunting war cry whose echoes will never leave you.
Spring may be upon us, but when UKEM loose the chains that hold back the onslaught of Ante-Inferno on May 1st a new darkness will consume the land. Fane will open its doors to the dark-hearted and the ancient of soul. For those who seek the secrets of other wheres and whens, your time is coming, riding hard on the wings of the storm.

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