ANGRA: News From The Studio
March 29, 2010
As it was previously reported, Edu Falaschi with his band ANGRA is currently working at the seventh studio effort of the band. The new as yet-untitled album will be a conceptual one. At present, Edu Falaschi is finishing the recording of vocals for the new CD.
Here you can check a part of a new song from the official ANGRA's twitcam broadcast directly from Norcal Studio, where the band is working now. The sound was compiled by the fans and please, keep in mind that it was extracted from a webcam, it is a rough version without any mixing and mastering. Edu Falaschi offered, to around 200 fans, by TWITCAM, the opportunity to see him live recording few seconds of a new ANGRA's song (this is not the official name of this song!) . The new ANGRA's album produced by the musicians themselves is expected to be launched in August this year. The release will be followed up by a massive world tour which will start in the second semester.

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