ANGERTEA: Acoustic Album Coming in October.

Angertea is releasing a special acoustic new album in October via Finnish Inverse Records. The […]
April 28, 2018

Angertea is releasing a special acoustic new album in October via Finnish Inverse Records. The album entitled 'Sidetrack (An Acoustic Act to Eradicate Torture)' is gonna include 7 brand new songs and a cover from the metal band Wackor.

"Angertea is basically a progressive/experimental metal band with 5 full length albums, so this one is going to be a really special thing for us. It can, and can not be called the 6th album of the band at the same time! It was recorded by Csaba GÅ'dér, mixed by József Kiss at Area 51 studio and edited by Bálint Schautek. We're gonna show the world the video for 'Slaves in Dark Inferno' in September, and then comes the album release worldwide in October.

The first song made public is called 'Geese(At a Hungry Festival)'. This song was written first and mixed first so we thought we'd publish it first as well. It's about new hopes and growing up in today's hectic world." Comments GergÅ' from Angertea.

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The songs on the album :

1 Slaves in Dark Inferno
2 Geese(At a Hungry Festival)
3 Sidetracks
4 Loam
5 Cell
6 Moonsoon (Wackor cover)
7 Stick of Loss
8 The Devil's Last Foil

Inverse Records
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