ANCST: New album coming in September!

The new effort entitled Summits of Despondency is set to be released on September 18, […]
July 17, 2020

The new effort entitled Summits of Despondency is set to be released on September 18, 2020 via Lifeforce Records in partnership with Yenohala Tapes!

The first single Inferno can be found HERE!

There is no other way. The anger has to be expressed: Unfiltered and loud, violent and stirring. Because the frustration runs deep. The Berlin DIY collective does not hold back on "Summits Of Despondency". Not for a second. Since its foundation in 2011, ANCST has always been an outspoken band through its lyrics. So it is natural that the lyrics of the new album again deal with political topics, criticize social injustices, but are also brave enough to put topics such as mental health and other very personal issues into the public eye. Powerlessness and the "compulsion" to rebel are not accidental. "Summits Of Despondency" succinctly sums up the spectrum of lyrics as the title of bands third album. But ANCST don't let themselves be defeated. Of course not. That does not correspond to their nature. They don't turn the other cheek, but strike back. With clear words and extreme sounds.

With a hefty back catalog of 23 releases spanning from raw black metal and dark ambient to a fusion of metallic hardcore and various extreme metal sub-genres, ANCST are certainly no strangers to experimentation. Although the Berlin-based band has managed to create a distinguished trademark sound of its own, every new release tends to add some spices to the mix. ANCST's third album "Summits Of Despondency" is no exception and seamlessly ties in with its predecessor "Ghosts Of The Timeless Void" from 2018. While staying true to their melting pot metal/hc crossover styled blast beat extravaganza there are bits of ambient and drone and even film music thrown in the mix. Again the band stayed true to its DIY roots & believes and recorded, mixed, mastered, designed, and co-released everything by itself with the help of LIFEFORCE RECORDS.

Summits Of Despondency track list

Kill Your Inner Cop
Final Hour
Praising the Realm of Loss
The Burden of Hope Part I
The Burden of Hope Part II
Razed Eden 4:20
Abysm of Existence
... of Dying
Monotony of Anguish

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Lifeforce Records
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