ANCIENT BARDS: Watch The New Video

Ancient Bards, Limb Music and Rockshots Music Management are proud to present to you the […]
April 12, 2014

Ancient Bards, Limb Music and Rockshots Music Management are proud to present to you the video clip of "In My Arms" the first single from the band's new album "A New Dawn Ending," which is coming out on April 25th in Europe and Japan and on June 10th in North America.

"In My Arms" is the dejected and resigned inner cry of Queen Shena, as her aching eyes with which she saw her son Surod (Dorus) pass away 16 years ago are tormented once again as she must now bear witness to the anguishing duel between Daltor and Sendor. The video was directed by Matteo Ermeti.

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