ANCHOR: Survive New Survive Video And New Tourdates

The tour is booked by Stateless Society and is presented by: FUZE Magazine, Legends Arising […]
February 6, 2015

The tour is booked by Stateless Society and is presented by: FUZE Magazine, Legends Arising & Stageload present:

21.05.15 GER Rostock JAZ
22.05.15 GER Leipzig Connie Island
23.05.15 GER München Sunny Red
24.05.15 CZ Prague Cafe Na Pul Cesty
25.05.15 SLO Bratislava Re:fresh Club
26.05.15 HRO Zagreb AKC Attack
27.05.15 AT Klagenfurt Volxhaus
28.05.15 AT Vienna Das Bach
29.05.15 GER Duisburg Privat
30.05.15 GER Wolfsburg Jugendhaus Ost
31.05.15 GER Rendsburg T-Stube

Distance & Devotion is released 6th of April world wide except in Germany, Austria and Switzerland were the album is released 10th of April.

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