ALPHA TIGER: Will tour Europe with BATTLE BEAST, tour dates announced

ALPHA TIGER will embark on a huge European tour in November/December together with BATTLE BEAST […]
September 11, 2015

ALPHA TIGER will embark on a huge European tour in November/December together with BATTLE BEAST from Finland. Not only is this the first real big tour for their latest album "iDentity", the band will also introduce their new singer Benjamin Jaino.

Here are the tourdates:

14.11. D-Osnabrück - Bastard Club
15.11. D-Leipzig - Hellraiser
16.11. SK-Bratislava - Randal Club
17.11. A-Vienna - Chelsea
18.11. HUN-Budapest - Barba Negra
19.11. SLO - Ljubljana - Orto Bar
20.11. D-Burglengenfeld - VAZ Pfarrheim
21.11. D-Lindau - Club Vaudeville
23.11. D-Munich - Backstage
24.11. I-Bosco Marengo - Live 23
25.11. F-Luynes Aix - Le Korgian
26.11. E-Barcelona - Apolo 2
27.11. E-Valencia - Rock City
28.11. E-Madrid - Arena
29.11. E-Bilbao - Stagelive
01.12. F-Paris - Glazert
02.12. D-Würzburg - Posthalle
03.12. D-Ludwigsburg - Rockfabrik
04.12. B-Vosselar - Biebob
05.12. CH-Wetzikon - Hall Of Fame
06.12. NL-Arnhem - Willemeen
07.12. GB-London - Borderline
08.12. D-Aachen - Musikbunker
09.12. D-Essen - Turock
10.12. D-Siegburg - Kubana
11.12. D-Hamburg - Rock Cafe

ALPHA TIGER found a new singer in July, his name is Benjamin Jaino and he's introducing himself in a new trailer:

The latest Alpha Tiger Album "iDentity" was released in January via SPV/Steamhammer.

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