All female brazilian metal band Girlie Hell launches EP on vinyl and discuss about violence and oppression against women
September 7, 2014
Think about a highly flammable all female brazilian hard rock/metal band! This is Girlie Hell.
Weaker sex? Bullas, Carol, Fernanda and Júlia are willing to show you not. Do you want to face them?
These girls are not messing around. They are for seven years on the road and have played on the most important brazilian festivals, including shows with bands like Bad Religion, Kyuss Lives, Sepultura and Crucified Barbara, with whom they completed a small tour in Brazil. "Get Hard", the debut album, was produced by Gustavo Vazques (Black Drawning Chalks, Uganga) and was released in 2007 by Monstro Discos. The album was very well received by several Brazilian journalists: "Consistent and convincing hard rock", declared back then Silvio Essinger from Jornal O Globo, one of the most important Brazilian daily newspapers.
After the release of several music videos and some digital singles, the Girlie Hell ladies now announces the release of "Hit And Run".
The EP will be launched on vinyl and will bring only two tracks: "Gunpowder" on the A Side and "Till The End" on the B Side.
"Hit And Run" was recorded at Mr. Som Studio in Sao Paulo and produced by the Latin Grammy winners Marcello Pompeu and Heros Trench. The mastering was done at the West WestSide Music in the United States by the death metal specialist Alan Douches (Cannibal Corpse, Death, Deicide, Krisiun, Mastodon).
Musically, "Hit And Run" brings a heavier and more intense Girlie Hell, with a very sharp speech.
"Hit And Run is, until now, Girlie Hell's better prepared work", says the drummer Carol Pasquali. "Everything is loaded with meanings and feelings. We're talking about overcoming difficulties, breaking barriers and unravel problems that tries to prevent us from following our path. This was also illustrated on the cover art signed by Wildner Lima which has two stages: the first that alludes to the violence suffered by women and the difficulties of the feminine universe, showing the anguish and the marks of the struggle for what is believed, and the side of awareness that the fight is worth".
Still according to Carol, the tittle "Hit And Run" is a direct reference to one of the band's main influence. Musically and ideologically.
"The album takes the same name of the Girlschool song, which is one of our main references in the world of female rock. And this connection is no accident. Times have changed and so the difficulties, but they still exist. And as the British rockers, we want to arose attention to this force and this claw that we need to have daily and say that we are here to face the problems and support women of our generation."
Did you get the message? So be prepared because "Hit And Run" will hit the stores in October in Brazil by Monstro Discos. European, US and Asian releases are still being planned.
Meanwhile, check out "Gunpowder" music video:

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