ALL DOGMAS WE HATE: Unleash New Song "Crushed To Dust"
May 1, 2014
3 years after its birth a physical album and a digital EP,All Dogmas We Hateis about to unleash this spring its second full-length effort, called "Human wrath" and awaited for April 29th, on CD and Digital, through M&O Music/Believe Digital (In Arkadia, My Only Scenery, Our Theory,!).The first audio extract with the song "Crushed to dust" has just surfaced online and is available right now onSoundCloud!
For the record!ADWH: four letters for a name which sounds like a mantra:
French metal/hardcore/progressive act from Nîmes, this five-pieces band didn't want to lose time so after a bunch of fierce and productive work, opened the studio's door in order to record a debut full-length album called "Back to Reality", released a few weeks later through M & O Music/Twilight Distribution.The band got medias attention on metal sphere (webzines, magazines and some radios), collecting positive and constructive critics, and giving the French metal scene an outstanding beginning. Hard workers, the five guys get back in studio in february 2013 to give a follow-up to their debut album with a digital EP called "Astronomical distances".For fans of Architects, August Burns Red, The Ghost Inside
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