AILAFAR: New Album "No Limits" Listening Teaser Streaming Online

AOR Boulevard Records presends Ailafar Teaser Sampler from their latest release "No Limits". Listen "Ailafar […]
October 14, 2015

AOR Boulevard Records presends Ailafar Teaser Sampler from their latest release "No Limits".

Listen "Ailafar No Limits Teaser Sampler 2015":

"No Way" Track list:

1. Live 4 You Live 4 Me
2. Flood Of Love,
3. Further The Road Signs
4. Faith In Love
5. Two Roses
6. Tell Me Why
7. A Way To Your Heart
8. Out Of The Blue
9. Doors We Walk Alone
10. Greatest Treasure
11. Ifigenia
12. More Than One
13. Heartlands Ground

Ailafar - No Limits is Out Now:

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