ACCEPT: the German Metal legend goes No. 1

"Blind Rage" is the 14th Studio-Album of the living legends from Solingen ' a number […]
August 26, 2014

"Blind Rage" is the 14th Studio-Album of the living legends from Solingen ' a number that seems unreachable for musicians nowadays.

It's the dream of every artist. And if that was not enough: The newest Opus is the most successful chart album in the bands long history.

"Blood Of The Nation" heralded the modern era of ACCEPT in, and now with "Blind Rage" the band climbed the throne of the charts.

In the last four years, after their break of 14 years, ACCEPT released two new albums ("Blood Of The Nation" in 2010 and "Stalingrad" in 2012).

Both of them broke chart records and reached the top of international ranking lists, among other top 5 in Germany, top 15 in Europe and top 40 worldwide.

And now with the pole position in the official German Album Charts the band breaks their own record once again.

Statement Markus Staiger / Owner / Nuclear Blast:
"We are proud and thankful to be part of ACCEPTs rebirth in 2010. With a number one position in the German Charts they climbed the to the top of Mt. Olympus.This is the reward of the consequent hard work of the band, their manager Gaby Hoffmann and Deville Schober and the whole Nuclear Blast team ' together we stand strong!"

Statement ACCEPT:
"Four years ago we decided to start ACCEPT anew. Of course we hoped to reach the fans of Heavy Metal and leave a few more marks in its history. None of us would havethought that we could reach number one in the official German Charts. We would like to thank our team, our label partner Nuclear Blast, Warner Distribution andBrainstorm Music Marketing, all of who gave us enormous strength and the will to continue in order to make this happen."

What started in the mid 70ties as a worldwide trademark, maintained its status for over three decades.

ACCEPT is a phenomenon.

The German Music industry invests Millions of Euro every year to build up new acts. If you include the budgets for artist finding and development the funding is higher than any other,even higher than the development and research budgets of the automobile industry or the pharmacy industry. (Source IFPI). Still only a vanishingly low amount of German artists manage to be internationally successful.

ACCEPT is an inherent part of the international market, ranks among the biggest music exports from Germany and has influenced many innumerable bands both nationally and internationally.

Nuclear Blast
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