ABSOLVA: Pre-Order Fanpacks For "Never A Good Day To Die" CD

British metal exponents Absolva have revealed details of their limited edition pre-order fanpacks for the […]
August 5, 2015

British metal exponents Absolva have revealed details of their limited edition pre-order fanpacks for the new album 'Never A Good Day To Die'.

Fans can choose from 5 options ranging from the CD only to a premium bundle of CD, 2 signed postcards, dogtag, keyring, T-shirt & Hoodie.

Fans who place their pre-order before mid-day on 11th August will also have their name printed in the CD booklet.

To view the pre-order options in more detail CLICK HERE

Absolva frontman Chris Appleton says this....

"We're releasing the pre-order details basically due to demand. We've been asked so much over the past few weeks that we don't feel we can hold off any longer. Then we had the added idea that fans who order in the first week (before the booklet design is finalised) will get their name in the CD booklet which we think is pretty cool & we hope people will like"

Chris continues.. "We're excited about the work in the studio with Martin & Karl nailing their tracks already, & everything sounding huge. It's all systems 'go' towards release date & the tour starting in October but before that we hope to reveal the first album track no later than the end of August. Can't wait!"

Official release date for 'Never A Good Day To Die' is 12th October & the tour starts in the same week & continues into November, taking in UK & mainland Europe. For tour listings & all additional info please visit www.absolva.com

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