ABLAZE MY SORROW: Swedish Melodic Death Metallers signs with Black Lion Records new album coming 2020

Black Lion Records is pleased to welcome Swedish melo-death act Ablaze My Sorrow into the […]
February 13, 2020

Black Lion Records is pleased to welcome Swedish melo-death act Ablaze My Sorrow into the tribe. Founded back in 1993, Ablaze My Sorrow has played an immense part in the underground Swedish death metal scene with four albums in their back catalog. The band is currently in the studio recording their upcoming yet-to-be-titled fifth album, set for release later this year. The upcoming record marks the beginning of tenure for Ablaze My Sorrow's new frontman Jonas Udd.

Black Lion comments, "We are extremely happy about the partnership. I've been a fan of Ablaze My Sorrow since the band's early days, so getting the chance to, now, be a part of the trip is something truly exciting.

Anders Brorsson had this to say :
- So it is signed and so it shall be done. We are very pleased to let you know that we have inked a deal with Black Lion Records for our fifth full-length album. The album is being recorded right now and we are really looking forward to work together with Oliver and Black Lion Records. This is also our first album with vocalist Jonas Udd handling the microphone. Black Lion Records gives us a reminder on how it felt back in the mid 90's when we signed a deal with Tomas and No Fashion Records. Oliver is, as where Tomas, a very dedicated and hard working young guy absolutely passionate about death and black metal and everything that is connected to the scene. Black Lion Records also has a very interesting pack of bands, both new and old ones. This will be a great trip for sure. More news and updates regarding the album will follow soon. Prepare the return!

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