A SWARM OF THE SUN: Premiere First Single From New Album "The Rifts"

Swedish atmospheric post-rock groupA Swarm of the Sunwill release their second full-length album"The Rifts"on January […]
December 11, 2014

Swedish atmospheric post-rock groupA Swarm of the Sunwill release their second full-length album"The Rifts"on January 30 2015 viaVersion Studio Recordsand todayBurning Ambulancehave premiered the first single from the release entitled"Infants".Listen to"Infants"and check out whatJakobBerglundhad to say about this new effortat this location.

Mixed and mastered by the acclaimedMagnus Lindberg(Cult of Luna, Refused, Khoma, Switchblade),"The Rifts"is a bleak and beautiful journey through the innermost landscapes of the heart and soul. A brooding concept album about losing hope, dreams falling apart, isolation and final moments of clarity and redemption. Unquestionably, this isA Swarm of the Sun's most emotional and darkest album to date."The Rifts"will be available on a limited double-vinyl edition and on eight-page digipack CD. Pre-orders are availablehere.

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