A New music video 'Silence' by My Own Ghost out now!‏

Since the release of their debut album LOVE KILLS, My Own Ghost have kept busy. […]
February 17, 2015

Since the release of their debut album LOVE KILLS, My Own Ghost have kept busy. The songwriting and recording for their second album is already in progress and they've recently signed with Red Lion Music, a booking agency from Germany.

A few days ago they've released their very first, official videoclip to their second single SILENCE. The video was filmed and edited by Tom Jungbluth, a young and talented Luxembourgish photographer who's already worked with Sean Paul, Kendrick Lamar, Snoop Dogg... to name just a few. In the video the actors Anouck Leuchter, Yannick Stein and Morgane Bidaine tell the story of a seemingly happy family on the edge of break-up. A story of betrayal, hurt, loneliness and unspoken words, that is seen and lived everyday over the whole world. The members of My Own Ghost do not appear in the video, because they wanted to put forward the message and the atmosphere of SILENCE. Furthermore the video is kept in black and white to accentuate the emotions.

Secret Entertainment
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