Vince Cavanagh


Over the past years Anathema have created a warm relationship with Greece, having sold out gigs almost every single time. After the release of A Natural Disaster they couldn't neglect playing in Greece, during their tour across Europe. We caught Vincent Cavanagh, at the hotel they were staying, during lunch (he kindly invited us to join him but no, we're hard-working editors, we need no food or water...). Here's what he had to say.
By Makis Kirkos
April 29, 2004
Vince Cavanagh (Anathema) interview
So, how do you feel to be back in Greece?

Well, if you ask me how it feels this moment it feels like I need some sleep (laughs). Other than that, we're having a fantastic time here in Greece.

You seem to kind of like being in Greece.

Absolutely, it's not just a party or just a holiday or whatever. Obviously we are here for a reason and it's the best place for us to go to. That's the truth.

We know you have a special relation with the Greek fans. What is it exactly that you like about them?

What do I like about Greek people? I don't know. If somebody told me what I like about Greek people... I don't know what I like about them. I'm only joking. (laughs). What can I say?

It's weird... Is it really so hard to answer?

No, I'm trying to think of reasons why we have the best audience in Greece. There must be a reason for it. We've traveled all over Europe and Eastern Europe, we've been in some fantastic places but Greece is different. Maybe it's the fact that Anathema is a Greek word, maybe something like I think. It just started happening for us here the last couple of years and it's simply fantastic.

What's exactly your relation with fans in other countries? Is it the same with the Greek audience?

No, well, kind of yeah but there is just a lot more of a warm feeling that we get from everybody here in Greece.

And you don't know why?

And I don't know why. And that's what I'm trying to think.

It's like a riddle...

Yeah possibly. I have no idea. I guess I don't want to think about it. It's just that we are a band who doesn't pretend to be anything and we don't even consider ourselves, you know, to be any special thing or anything like that. We are just normal people, or abnormal, whatever way you want to look at it, we have the same good sides and the same faults, the same wisdom and the same neurosis as everybody. And I think people can identify that we're right about real things and we have the same life and the same things happen for us as they happen for everybody and, you know, if you come and see us live you'll realize that we're exactly the same on stage and off the stage. And if you meet us you'll realize that we don't have an ego or anything like that. We are just trying to get along and do what we do. We really don't go for the whole hero-worship thing that they do here in Greece, you know everybody's like 'wow' and for us it doesn't make any difference or whatsoever and it makes no impression on us. It's all bullshit, I mean all we are is just guys playing music right about what is real, what we think, so there are no barriers between us and the audience. Maybe that's it.

So, how was the concert yesterday?

It was fucking great. You know the reaction that you get is so good that you have to do your best for it. Everybody is like, you know, wow, look at these people, so many people and everybody had big smiles on their faces. I liked the lighting guy yesterday because he put the lights on the crowd and I like to see the crowd, I like to see the faces and the big smiles, you know, really into it. And when you get that you like to give more so... it was great.

It sounds like you want some more.

Oh yes, of course we give as much as we can anyway, but if somebody is there they are sort of encouraging you to do what you do.

Did everything concerning the recording of the DVD go ok?

Absolutely yeah, we still need to shoot a few tracks for the film to finish off but the main feature which is the concert is ready.

Ok. So, should we expect to see the latest Anathema on the DVD or a mix including the older discography?

No, we can't do that because we signed to a different record company and we can't release any piece of the old stuff, the first four albums, that's all. It's a shame actually because we wanted to play all those songs of course and for recording the DVD we completely changed the setlist, took all these songs out and just played songs from the last 3 albums which was a pain in the ass.

From the beginning to now you have shaped into something completely different. How do you feel after this transition?

Over the years we made changes at the same rate we changed. It's not a conscious thing. It just changes because you change and that's all it's like. You don't have to think about it really and that's the trick. Don't think; feel.

A Natural Disaster sounds like a prolongation of the idea exposed in A Fine Day To Exit. Should we expect to see something completely different in your next album?

Always expect to hear something different.

Perhaps we should expect to see many elements or perhaps a few left-over songs from A Natural Disaster...

Now, well, it's not really like we left over songs. You know, we don't say we write ten songs and that is going to be an album. We always have a number of ideas probably more than ten in one time. It's a consent thing, it always happens so we don't actually sit down to write an album. What we do is that we probably already have enough ideas, we have thirty or fourty songs right now but they are not finished. They are just ideas. They could be real songs if we wanted to make it like that. If you ask me what the best of all are, they are probably six or seven that we know they will be in the next album.

How do you feel now about A Natural Disaster?

I feel much better about it now because when you get out and play the songs live they grow, you can get more feeling from the song. I enjoyed them more now after having played them live.

After the DVD, are you going to start working on the next album or are you going to take a break?

We are going to start working on the next album straight away but we won't go to the studio straight away, we still have to give the songs some time to grow. But they will be grown in the summer and autumn. What we hope to do this time, actually before recording the album which will be recorded next year as we'll be busy all this year anyway, is retiring and things, you know. So, what we'll try to do, if we record it then, is play some of these songs live, which will be fantastic.

What are your future ambitions as a person and as a musician?

Well, very very high ambitions. Just to have a degree of autonomy in your life is a blessing anyway, to be able to live from what you love is just superb. I'm not quite there yet but my ambitions are to fulfill the song ideas that I have and to surprise myself by coming up with music I didn't think I could write. I doubt myself sometimes, Im hard on myself you know which I shouldn't do, it can't help you. I hope that in the future I can get over all this and do some staff I'll really be proud of and that's really, musically. We have all sorts of ambitions.


I've got all sorts of ambitions but they are not like, you know, usual life ambitions. I have no ambition to start a family or settle down or anything like that. I like to travel so I think I think I'll just keep traveling till I die.

Since we are an international magazine would you like to send a message to your fans around the world?

I don't know, with us what you get is what you see which is normal people, ok? You don't have to stick to the big front, the big image. It's too much to think about. We are just ourselves. So, what I want to say is that if somebody is really into us I would like to say thank you. We honestly really, really do appreciate it, it means everything to us. Of course without people listening to our music what would we do? Aside from that we create music anyway but obviously we need someone to play to!(laughs)

So, is there anything you would like to add to this interview?

Yeah, I'd like to add: ignore everything I said until now because my brain is not working properly (laughs). I had no sleep. I'm eating pasta ,some pasta now, which should help.

All right. Thank you very much for this Interview.

Thank you!

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