Valentin Mayasmin
March 15, 2017

(Victor Hugo's Les Misérables) just struck me as very dark and beautiful novel. It is filled with so many interesting details about medieval society and their traditions. I took just a few ideas out of many available: imprisonment in stone boxes for "Prisoner", gallows for mass execution for "The Last Night".
At some point, 'The Hunchback of Notre-Dame' got popular because of French musical 'Notre Dame de Paris'. It was translated into Russian and was aired on TV and radio. This is how I learned about it. Speaking of education, there were a few books of Victor Hugo in school program, I just didn't study well.
Yes, it was very supportive and inspired us to continue working on new stuff and perform live. The community is pretty small and everyone knows each other, like a big family of like-minded people.
Good question, I've just realized there was some mysterious emphasis on progressive. There is a prog rock band, FROMUZ, which you can actually checkout on Spotify. There were a few other metal bands with progressive elements like 4TH DREAM and AUTIST.
Well, talks are just talks. Everything's possible.
Yes, we're looking into this possibility. It would be fun.
Our songwriting process starts with Michel's piano. He puts a lot of emotions into his compositions; the music actually tells stories as opposed to stating statically something like "Blow Me A Kiss". Guitars and lyrics are supporting this line. Maybe if we cut our songs into multiple pieces and put them on repeat it will look more like traditional music. But it is not what we want to achieve.
Haha. I had to lookup those terms to understand what did you find in our music. These elements were put intentionally to achieve certain emotional effect. But any connections with cabaret are unintentional. Again, everything starts with Michel's piano composition. He is the only one who has gone through music school and I'm pretty sure he studied Bach, Mozart and other classics and perhaps you can hear these influences.
Nope. I'd also attribute it to Michel's music school. Or some natural theatrical talent within him.
I think Michel is our music architect. Guitars and lyrics are just to support his ideas. There is only one track on the album where we kind of switched roles: "Mastermind". You can see the difference.
Everything on the album has been composed in 2000's, I guess I'll be ready to talk about remote collaborative process after we finish our next album. It sucks so far as we have 12 hours of time difference. We used to sit next to each other, Michel on piano and me on guitar and composed music piece by piece. It was interactive process and very productive.
He uses old MIDI Casio keyboard and connects it to a computer with a MIDI enabled sound card. That's pretty much it about his rig. Michael Keene not only helped us to assemble the rig, he also helped us to get started because we were absolutely clueless on how to approach recording.
Well, I had no clue how to make good mix either, and decided to trust this to a professional. I searched the Internet and contacted a few studios, but when I found his studio, I knew he's exactly who we need.
We had a draft mix of our songs just to get an idea what is this all about, but it went straight into trash. Dan just made it right. I didn't have an idea what the sound ultimately should be like, but I knew piano has to take prominent position in the mix. That's all I had to communicate to Dan, the rest was taken care of by him. I was very impressed with the result, especially comparing to our draft mixes.
Everything is recorded direct-in. Dan took care of re-amping guitars. I'm blown away by the sound too.
I'm not ready to give any estimates right now. We are going to work in our own pace and we will take our time to ensure new stuff is high quality.
Absolutely! Books are a source of my inspiration.
Yeah, just want to give credit for our logo and album artwork to Vojtěch Moonroot Doubek. It was very inspirational to work with him. I encourage you to buy our CD to fully enjoy his artwork.
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