Tony Reed

Mos Generator

As if the resurrection of the 70's in Rock hasn't been overwhelming as it is, but who cares really if quality stuff is coming out of it? MOS GENERATOR is one of those bands that breaths the 70's haze through their musical vibe. Following the release of their new album, "Electric Mountain Majesty", via Listenable Records, Daniel Fox talked to Tony Reed of the band about the new shindig and more…
By Daniel Fox
June 21, 2014
Interview - Tony Reed (Mos Generator) interview
Hello Tony; thank you for allowing me, on behalf of Metal Temple to ask you a few questions. The new album is totally a breath of fresh air for what seems like the recent revitalization of 70's heavy rock. First, a bit of background knowledge for people who don't know much about you; what does the band's name mean? 

Well thank you for taking the time to listen to the new album and come up with these questions. As far as the name goes, The three of us used to play in a band together in the early 90s and Shawn had this bass drum that sounded incredible. He stored it out in an open garage for a while and it gathered moss on it so we started calling it the moss generator. We formed this band in 2000 and when we were doing our first demos before we had a band name we were in the studio trying to get a good bass drum sound and Shawn said "I wish we had the Moss Generator". We thought that sounded like a good band name and for some reason i wanted to drop one of the Ss. That's the story.

"Electric Mountain Majesty" is a pretty unique piece of work; I get the feeling it was a kind of "write as you go" endeavour. What were the inspirations behind it?

A few of the songs are only about 15 minutes old when they were recorded. We ended using the demos of a few songs as the final cuts. We wanted to harness the energy that we have live (mistakes and all) on this record which means that a lot of the music was recorded live in a setting just like if we were on stage. Full volume, no headphones. So I think the major inspiration for this approach was actually ourselves. We put out a live record last year and we could really hear the energy on it so we tried to recreate that in the studio.

The album cover is awesome, but admittedly, I have no idea what it means. What does it have to do with the album title?

The last 2 studio albums had record covers that were images that I liked a lot. They didn't have a lot to do with the content of the album. I'm hoping to find something a bit more fitting for the next one.

I knew what I was getting into as soon as I opened up "Beyond the Whip". How and why are BLACK SABBATH important for the band?

Sabbath are my favorite band and have been in my life as long as I can remember. I know it's hip to be into sabbath but they truly move me. I've been listening to them for over 40 years and I never get tired of them and what is try to get from them is not just the power but also the beauty. I think alot of people or bands that listen or pull from Sabbath don't recognize the real beauty and the melodies. It's so many emotions, especially by the time they got to Vol 4 and then Sabbath Bloody Sabbath just cements the whole thing for me. I could go on all day about them but what I need to say is that if we can write music that even comes a little close to the power and beauty of sabbath I would be happy. Heavy music with dimension is what we are after.

As a whole, the album has a pretty diverse tracklist in terms of styles and genres. One minute I'm listening to something Sabbathian; the next, Electric Wizard; the next, King's X. Do you (or the band) try to stay away from the shadow of labels?

We just make honest music and on this album I feel like i've been more honest than ever and it feels great. some of the ideas worked and some maybe not but it feels good to add things to our core sound that we have been holding back.

Some may call the band 'stoner rock'; that was a very big thing during the 70's. Even now I'm hearing resurgence in the genre. How important are those roots for the band's music, if at all?

We are all in our mid 40s so those rock bands from the 70s and early 80s are what shaped our styles as writers and players and that era is all we pull from when we make music so I would say it's very important.

Somewhat related, do you and/or the band see yourselves as part of some passively-forming movement that is shedding some new limelight on classic heavy rock?

We have been making records with this group for 14 years so we've seen the heavy rock movement go in and out a few times. Right now it is obviously in a major upwell so it's an excellent time to have a new album out and be doing a bit of festival work.

Live shows! I read you guys have played with the great Saint Vitus. What kinds of goals have you set for this year in terms of where you all want to be at as a live act?

So far this year we have stayed regional but i'll be boarding a plane for Germany in a few hours to attend and play Freak Valley Festival in Siegen and then in a month's time we will be playing Hellfest in france. A tour of Europe in the fall is something we are hoping to do so we are talking about that now.

Do you have any bands in mind that you would love to open for? I think Black Sabbath would be a given.

Saint Vitus is always great to play with. Hellfest will be totally epic. We really just want to play with bands that we get along with and are kick ass live. We live the challenge of playing with a really good band. It makes us play better.

Cheers for answering my questions, mate, and also for writing a great album. What lies ahead in the foreseeable future?

Right now we are going to get through these festivals and we've been writing a lot. We are going to release some singles this year and continue working on the next record. So far I am really happy with what we are coming up with.

Thank you again for taking the time to check us out - cheers

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