Thiago Ribeiro

The unveiled truth of Metal - Interview with HATEMATTER
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Thiago Ribeiro: First of all, we appreciate your interest and your time!
The “hiatus” between “Metaphor” and “Antithesis” were weird and turbulent times, to say to least. The sudden loss of our brother-in-arms and childhood friend, shortly followed by a worldwide alert for a pandemic, was not easy to deal with, at all. For a moment, the future of the band itself was put to question. So, we decided to take our time to mourn, and to heal.
In the early days of 2021, Martins and Buck officially invited me and (Rafael) Lopes to join the band as rhythm guitarist and supporting vocalist, adding upon my songwriter/lyricist duties. I promptly accepted, and not very long after the announcement, the writing process of “Antithesis” began.
Thiago: Besides Polidori’s untimely demise, Lucas (Emidio) decided to pursue his own projects, and is still a close and dear friend to the band. The songwriting dynamics was put to the test, once we were in the middle of the pandemic. On top of that, I’ve been living in Sao Paulo’s countryside, at least two hours away from the capitol.
To everyone’s surprise, this challenge was easily subsided, and the long-distance writing process adjusted on its own, flowing pretty much smoothly. Once most of us have functional home studios, and cloud-based file sharing at our disposal, in December 2022 we entered Casanegra Studios with all songs structured and ready to blast. The first of us to go was Marcus Dotta (Warrel Dane/Roland Grapow), arranging and recording all drums for “Antithesis”.
The pandemic changed our band’s dynamics forever, and of course had a weight in the themes, especially in the lyrics.
Thiago: Yes, we have released “Mankind…” as homage to our fallen brother, shortly after his passing. In retrospect, there were a few technical and mix-related issues that were overlooked by grief. After pondering the theme together, we decided to give the song a new whirl, with alternate voices as a choice, and a few adjustments to the lyrics and vocal arrangements.
In the end, we see both versions as independent, with voices of their own. Both are unique portraits of distinct moments of the band.
Thiago: As lyricist for HATEMATTER since “Foundation”, my duty is to synthesize all intentions and feelings behind an album, in a single, memorable word. For this record, “Antithesis” was a natural choice to me, once themes such as grief, control, hope, anger, violence, exploitation, are in essence, dialectical. Clashing against themselves and each other in the pursuit of truth.
Thiago: Besides the aforementioned dialectical dynamics between the underlying themes, the lyrics and inspirations per se work as independent, with lives of their own, like we chose to do in “Metaphor”.
Thiago: Brendan is the man behind HATEMATTER’s sound since the very beginning, and so he has been ever since. Besides that, Lopes worked with him at the Norcal Studios for a while, so in the end we’re all buddies for a very long time. In the end, now we have more eyes and ears watching over production, and “Antithesis” is the living proof of it.
Thiago: Lopes came into the HATEMATTER naturally, after his astounding contributions in the interludes for “Metaphor”, and for co-writing the hauntingly beautiful “Unseen to Lesser Eyes” beside our late Gustavo. The synthesizers have brought a whole new dimension to our sound, and we could not be happier to have a guy with all his musical stature aboard our ship.
Thiago: I mostly agree with you on this one! “Antithesis” actually rings as mature and more seasoned than the previous records. To see an opus that endured such pain and loss in its process, to come alive and resonate so well with those who enjoyed it, is as humbling as it is refreshing for us.
Thiago: As (Rafae) Lopes told us, Mayara was in Casanegra to record FANTTASMA material, and he took his chance to show her our work on “Antithesis” so far. During Luiz’s and mine vocal recordings, we were talking about the movie behind the lyrics of “Liberate Me”, the timeless cosmic horror classic “Event Horizon”, and how cool it would be if we could have a feminine guest to perform the narrations from the movie’s first minutes. With that in mind, he showed her the music, and explained how he envisioned her voice in the song. For our joy and luck, she said yes on the spot, and on the same day tracked her mighty voices, even expanding it to a few scream and growl parts, that altogether became indissociable to the song.
Thiago: We decided to keep the record strictly digital, once we still have closed boxes of “Foundation” CDs in our stock. The investment required to release physical copies, as a fully independent band, is just not feasible. Regarding international release plans, so far, we got no offerings on the horizon.
Thiago: The response has been very good, given the circumstances and boundaries imposed by our daily lives and day jobs, that prevent us from touring and promoting the album further.
Thiago: We have the lyric video for “Mankind” in the final production phase. It was not released with the album due to budgetary restrictions.
Thiago: As I mentioned earlier, everyone in the band has a full time day job, which makes it close to impossible to attend touring dates as we wish we could. Nevertheless, we plan on playing as many dates as we can this year, before starting to work on a new record.
Thiago: It was a pleasure, thank you for your time and patience!
For everyone listening to HATEMATTER worldwide, everything we put in this band is a token of life-long dedication to the craft. Above all hardship and heartbreak, making music is our most inevitable need, and we’ll carry it on for as long as we’re able.
Thank you for partaking in this journey! We love you all!
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