Terry Brock

Terry Brock

Just prior to Frontiers Records announcing a full new STRANGEWAYS album, the charismatic musician named Terry Brock had just released a beautiful second solo album, "Diamond Blue". Shortly after the review was done and published, we sent a set of questions to Terry to find out more about what (else) he's up to these days. As you will see from the interview text below, he was not rich in answers. No worries, here we go.
By Grigoris Chronis
September 26, 2010
Terry Brock (Terry Brock) interview

Hello Terry, really an honor to hook up with you!

Hi Greg, first let me apologize for the delay. I'm soooo busy, but here we go…

The news is hot for Frontiers Records releasing your brand new solo album, "Diamond Blue". Really, how did you come in agreement with them? We're talking about the most proper label handling this release, anyway

I have been working with Frontiers now for 10 plus years. We have a good working relationship, so it was a natural choice.

Have you inked deal with any other label for the distribution of "Diamond Blue" in other territories as well or Frontiers will handle the promotion worldwide?

Frontiers is handling all of that for me. In the USA there may be some other help…

Late August (mainly) and early September is a 'dead period' for many fans(holidays etc), so I bet you will have to wait a little bit for some feedback from the Media and fans, right? Or you do not usually search for who's saying what for an album you write or participate?

I'm so busy right now that it's hard to follow, but I appreciate opinions.

"Diamond Blue" is your second solo album, with "Back To Eden" looking from nine years far behind. Is this a confirmation of you releasing a solo CD only when you think you have something to say or your time schedule was that heavy you did not find the time for a second solo album?

It was all due to scheduling conflicts, man. I like to do a lot of different things.

Not willing to fall into the comparison trap (it's been many years anyway), you believe fans of your early solo work can stick to the second album's atmosphere or it's some kind of a requirement to have someone attached to your deeds with all the bands you participated to in the between years to understand your current philosophy?

My new CD is just a natural follow up to "Back To Eden"; better songs, production and performances etc.

Tell us a little bit about the friends (I already read 'bout Mike Slamer) that helped you in the making of "Diamond Blue" plus some critical points in the rehearsing/recording sessions that probably fans of your work would like to know. Were there any stressful periods or everything rolled well?

Everything went very smoothly, we had a blast and a great time. Living on opposite sides of the USA was the only rough thing. It took forever because of that.

"Diamond Blue" - to my ears - has the perfect balance of both dynamic rockers and also more sentimental stuff. Are you the same kind of person, really, once ready to rock hard but also (at other times) becoming quite emotional? I always loved this double profile status in artists like you, needless to say.

You hit it right, mate. There are two sides to my personality, I like to think. A soft side and a hard one.

"The Rain" or "Broken" or "Young Again" brought up an 'I can relate to these lyrics' feeling to me, to be honest. Are there any songs in the tracklist with some kind of an auto-biographic content? Do you like speaking about yourself in the songs/lyrics you write? Many musicians like to leave a fuzzy picture with their songs so that the listener can draw own conclusions. Is this a song's aim in general, you think?

It's different for each song to be honest. Some are true stories and some are fantasy.

Have you felt you're close to being repetitive in your songwriting? Is there a personal formula you've established for laying down tracks?

No format man, I write what I feel when I feel it.

Are going to tour in support of your new CD? Are there any dates fixed as we speak? Do you like touring or you'd present yourself as the "studio" type of musician?

I've already played some shows and I feel equally at home on stage or in the studio. I love it all!

A couple of questions related to your discography as a band member, now: first of all, how much of a good experience was the latest GIANT album? I admit I was thoughtful against a lineup not (fully) featuring Dan Huff but…it's a nice album, damn it! You enjoyed this CD?

I had an AWESOME time working with the guys and would love to do it again! True professionals in every sense of the word.

As for STRANGEWAYS: the band's been announced for this year's 'FireFest' (UK), right? Should we assume a full comeback or it's just a reunion show? Which lineup should we expect onstage, by the way?

This is a full comeback in our eyes, we can't wait. David is working during the fest, so we're lucky to have Warren Jolly on bass, he's tremendous! And Munch will be on keys of course.

Would like to ask you a hundred questions Terry, but let's save you some time, haha! Honestly, thanx a lot for your time to answer our dozen of questions. Hope all the best for you, your newest CD and all your plans in the future!

Thanks so much for your interest and see you on tour!

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