Steve Grimmett

Grim Reaper

Suffering from amputation is an unimaginable experience, it leaves the person distraught, shattered and depressed. However, Grim Reaper's mainman, Steve Grimmett fought and conquered, slowly coming out of the phase he was in before and after the amputation. Celebrating a new album, "At The Gates", via Dissonance Productions, there is a cause for a toast. Steinmetal had a short talk with Steve about the becoming of the new release, current Metal scene and more…
September 13, 2019
Grim Reaper's Steve Grimmett: "If I ever will do another album with Nick Bowcott
Hello Steve, it is an immense honor having you for this interview for Metal Temple online Magazine. How have you been doing sir?

I'm doing better, I have been suffering with PTSD and depression but I'm getting there, thanks

I know that you are in the process of a US Tour at the moment, how has it been going for you?

The Tour is great although it's nearly at an end, we always do well in the states

Grim Reaper is about to release its sophomore album since the band's revamp more than a decade ago, titled "At The Gates", via Dissonance Productions. I assume that on this US tour that you are on, you have been playing several tunes out of the upcoming record? If so, what have been the reactions from the attendees so far?

The reactions have been great, we did release a couple of songs before the tour and looks like that was well worth doing

What is your appreciation of the upcoming "At The Gates"?

We loved doing the album, it's done the way we like it, "old school"

Why titling the release "At The Gates"? Any special meaning to it?

It's about me basically, very nearly dying when I lost my leg in Ecuador

Musically, "At The Gates" is pretty close to the old band's "Rock You To Hell", when it comes to the energy it reflects. Even the sound of the album, reinstated the crunchiness of that classic record. Furthermore, it is highly melodic, yet breathing fire. With that said, do you feel that this album is a major step for Grim Reaper or the band pretty much maintains the old flame without looking to reinvent itself?

Yes, like I said it's old school just the way we like it, as you said it breathes and it does, but it breathes fire and passion, it hits hard and we meant it to be that way

What is your perspective regarding the sound of "At The Gates"? It sounds very rich with plenty of depth if you would ask me

Yes, I agree, we recorded it old school but have incorporated a new edge a more modern sound to possibly being favored by old and new fans

What can you tell of the album's songwriting process? Is it a joint force situation or rather thrown ideas by individuals and gluing them together?

Ian, Mark and myself worked together on this album so it's a collaboration of ideas revolving around my amputation and near death experience

Is there a conceptual identity to "At The Gates"? What is the main lyrical focus that leads the album?

It's mostly about my amputation but there are some other stories in there

Which of the album's songs do you as the one that made an impact on you? That song that you can't leave be, listening to it plenty of times a day?

There are two actually, "At the Gates" and "Venom". The first is a song close to my heart as you can imagine, and the second is a song about someone pissing you off and you finally getting your vengeance on that person

Since you have been around the Metal scene, Britain in particular, and worldwide in general, how do you see Grim Reaper fit in such a Metal scene where modern Metal has been getting a whole lot more recognition than the Traditionalists, which it is safe to say, that started it all?

We have not seen that we have our old fans, but are attracting a whole new fan base every year of touring around the world, I can't answer that accurately

Do you believe that there is a revival process going on with NWOBHM driven Metal throughout Europe and that it can actually turn the tide for the genre in the coming future?

Yes, I do, I'm not sure why but when an up and coming band are not playing old school and it saddens me because it's such a great form and genre of music it makes your fans happy and sends them home with a smile on their faces and a feeling of having a great time

2019 marks 40 years to the old Grim Reaper band, which disbanded back in 1988. I know that there have been talks in the past between yourself and the band's founding guitarist, Nick Bowcott, about a reunion. Did it cross your mind to give it a try for several shows due to the four-decade anniversary?

To be honest, I'm too busy with this band at the moment and other things I have going on. If I ever will do another album with Nick Bowcott, I don't think we would be able to tour it, so what would be the point

To which bands have you been listening to lately? Any newcomers that can be the next thing in Heavy Metal?

We are touring with a band called Trip6 in the States and these guys are very exiting raw and powerful you need to check them out

I assume that the UK show in October is the official release party for "At The Gates"? If that is the case, what are you planning for the show? A special set perhaps?

We will be doing something special but we have only briefly talked about it so you will have to watch this page

Any additional plans for 2020 to continue supporting "At The Gates"?

We are currently looking for an Agent and Management but will be planning to tour Europe, Japan and Australia

Steve, I wish to thank you for this interview. I have been a big fan and I hope for the best for you and the guys at Grim Reaper. You have a well done album right there. Cheers!

Thank you


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