Sophia Radisch

Solo Artist

Certianly one of the youngest talents in the world of Rock music, and possibly with a glowing future ahead. Hailing from Canada, Sophia Radisch has been able to present her talent since the age of 13 the skies seem to be the limit. With the release of her debut album "Intoxicated", featuring ex-MEGADETH / EIDOLON shredder Glen Drover, Kati Zakolska had the chance to discuss with Sophia regarding her talent, music, album and more…
By Katarzyna Zakolska
August 14, 2014
Interview - Sophia Radisch interview
Hello dear Sophia, how are you today? Thank you so much for the time to this interview for Metal Temple, it's honour for us.

Hi Katarzyna! Thank you so much for this opportunity. This is amazing!

For those who are unfamiliar with You and Your career – maybe could You tell something more about it? 

I'm a 16 year old singer/songwriter/musician/actress from Ottawa ON, Canada. I started songwriting at the age of 13 and haven't stopped writing and performing since.
Recently, I've been in the UK recording my debut album Intoxicated, due to be released this summer 2014.

What is the new album "Intoxicated" all about, anything you can share with the readers in particular?

Intoxicated is a very powerful word. And as a poet, I choose my words wisely and carefully. As an artist, I observe people and the world around me. So to answer your question, to me, intoxicated is a very descript_ive and passionate word. I have named my debut album Intoxicated to suggest the power of love. It can be a very intoxicating feeling.

On album , Intoxicated which will be realesed real soon featuring Glen Drover, Former lead guitarist for Megadeth. How You find cooperation with him? Is he friendly as a Metal musician? Are You fan of MEGADETH?

I love working with him. Glen Drover is an incredibly talented and humble person. He continues to inspire and motivate me to be the best musician I can be. It is always an absolute pleasure doing session work with Glen. I love the passionate way he feels my music. I'm honoured!

What are your favorite tracks off of "Intoxicated"? The ones that truly made an impact due to their strong influence. Please elaborate.  

I have 13 songs on my debut album Intoxicated, and every track on the album is beautiful and unique in its own way with passionate lyrics and music. Heatwave, Fearfully Euphoric, and Savior are the singles released from the album.

Which are your inspires to writing the lyrics on album and create music to Your album? What kind of topics are the most import_ant for You to describe in lyrics? With what kind of music have You grew up?

As I already said, I'm inspired to write by observing the world around me and the way people interact. There's passion in both platonic and romantic relationships, and I love to write about human emotions.

When you hear and feel my music and see my lyrics, you can quickly tell that I see both pleasure and pain in human contact.

I'm influenced by many genres of music. My recent compositions are an eclectic mix of genres. My music influences are classic rock, jazz, blues, R & B , Soul, and Instrumental, just to name of few.

What do you do outside of the band, for example during downtime?

I love writing music and playing my guitars in my downtime. Music means the world to me. 

Is it difficult to be famuos as a teeneger? What think of Your career your friends from school? Aren't they jealous?

My family, friends and fans are very supportive and encourage the path I'm taking. They're proud of me and the fact that I am following my heart and living my dreams. They want the best for me. I'm honoured to be supported by amazing people!

What was the most memorable show you've done? And what was the weirdest of them all? 

The most memorable show I've done was the most recent one at Mavericks in Ottawa ON, Canada. It was a memorable and amazing night because many of my family, friends and fans came to see me perform. The crowd was phenomenal!

It would be great to know your opinion regarding internet downloading, especially music. Do you see this as yet another promotional platform or the other way around, a terrible loss for the business?  

I think musicians need to be paid for their work. Any time you can support a musician you should. It's a profession like many others. Musicians need an income too!

However, it's also a great way for musicians and others to share the music they love and to connect over music. Rock Solid Talent Entertainment Ltd. website is a new website where people can come together over music; both musicians and music lovers alike. Check it out!

Tell me ONE thing we don't know about you.

I'm a very passionate person and enjoy all of the Arts. As you already know, I am a song-writer/poet, actress and musician. I also love art, I draw and paint. My father is an artist.

And something people don't know is that I have included my original art on the"Intoxicated" album cover. It is very special to me because my father is also the graphic artist that created my album art design.

Sophia I wish to thank you for this interview, it has been a pleasure for me. Any last words for the readers?

Thank you very much for this interview! I'd like to thank my family, friends and fans for all of their support and encouragement!!! I'm honoured and humbled.

Peace, Love and Rock On!!!

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