Simon Abele
January 24, 2015

Well, it is very early to assess the scene's reception of the album at this point as we basically popped out of nowhere. Considering this, we are quite happy with the first feedback we have gotten from most reviewers and fans. Of course, you can never please everyone, but that is not why we set out to make the record in the first place. We wanted to have a piece of art that we are happy with, with music that we like to hear. And if, in the long run, others also start appreciating it, we are more than happy!
We will start promoting "Vigil" live this spring, and we are more than excited to present the material to the audiences, obviously. We are really confident that it's going to be a killer experience for the fans and ourselves, "Vigil" was definitely written to be played live.
I guess it's my melancholic nature. The lyrics of "Vigil" are centered on general imagery of loss, be it the losing of an important relationship or the loss of a treasured life. However, there always is a certain light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak – if you take a closer look at the texts, you will find that they are not completely abyssal and black. Maybe it's also the realization to value the things we have now more when we know that they one day will be gone that made me take a look at things from this perspective. I certainly don't deny the beauty of life! I only know that everything will eventually pass.
To answer this question, I have to go back to the year 2012, when, in a moment of astonishing clarity, I came to a realization of how what eventually would become "Vigil" had to sound like and how I wanted to have the songs. So, during the first year or so, nothing was included except my guitar and two PCs (the first one I destroyed during the writing process) to record the rough outlines. After having pinned the first demos, I started looking for people who shared my enthusiasm for this kind of music and who wanted to join me in my perennial quest. Obviously, I was very lucky here. My main inspiration of how I wanted "Vigil" to sound like came from all the albums of other bands I love so much. Disillusion, Opeth, Enslaved, Psychotic Waltz, Fates Warning, Dark Tranquility, and the likes-artists all with a unique vision and an integral concept for their records.
Right now, we have our release party scheduled for the 17th of April, where we will celebrate "Vigil" together with the killer bands Fragments of Unbecoming, Lyfthrasyr, Zombieslut and Olphor. No further information about touring and gigs can be revealed at the moment, but we are working tirelessly to schedule both for the near future, hopefully also together with some great bands we cherish.
The title and lyrics of "Kingdoms Without Shape" are a poetic view on how an endogenous depression might manifest itself in the perception of an affected person. The depression is the "Kingdom Without Shape", which starts to embrace all aspects of life, to swallow sanity and paint the world of the sick with uncanny and alarming tones. As a consequent development of the depression, self-injuring behaviors as well as anxiety attacks are described.
We'd really love to meet cool and interesting people on the road, and we look forward to sharing the stage with great bands. Also, we hope to complete album number 2 this year!!!
Thanks so much to Metal Temple for your interest in Andsolis!!! Cheers and giddy up!
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