Scott Ian


Hm... how to do an interview with Anthrax: drink beers (at least 5 or 6), listen to essential albums such as Fistful Of Metal and Spreading The Disease (just to mention a few) and have at least three original thrashers in the same room (OK, the last one was a pain in a*s). Scott Ian on the other side of the line. Let's talk about reunions etc...
By Michael Dalakos
April 28, 2005
Joey Belladonna (Anthrax) interview
Scott, how are you man?

Fine, thanks! How's things over there?

Great! Having some beers with friends, listening to classic albums and awaiting for your call to talk about thrash!

[Laughs] Hey, an original thrasher! Good to talk to one!

So, the mother of all questions. When did you get the decision to reunite?

That happened around last summer during our touring in Europe. We thought of doing a reunion tour to celebrate the 20 years anniversary of Anthrax, the 20 years since Fistful Of Metal. We started talking about it and it sounded more and more as a great idea. Now was the time to take that step. We didn't want to wait any longer. What if we waited like five more years and then some of us couldn't make it?

With a history spanning for more than twenty years, how does it feel being around the same guys who started the band?

It feels great man! We were together in New York for one week and it was the first time after many years that something like that happened to us. Wait, kind to think of it last time was like 13 years ago. Damn that's a long time [Laughs]. It felt so natural, like we have never been apart.

Back then, did you ever think you would make it this far?

Are you kidding me? [Laughs] No and we never actually thought it this way. This is what I do for a living and I take it day by day. Things turned out great for us and I am very happy about it. This is the greatest job in the world. I get up every day and I do my thing. I am in Anthrax, the greatest job ever!

Can you tell us the one thing that you miss and the one thing that you don't miss from the band's early days?

Good question. I guess I miss mostly the innocence of the whole deal. Back in the 80's everything was new. The business was not as bad as it is today. What I don't miss... well I don't miss my long hair [Laughs]

Anthrax is one of the few U.S. Metal acts that managed to overcome every single trend in the music industry. How did that happen?

We are very stubborn [Laughs]. We refused to go away. No, you see this is what we love to do. When you really love your job then you don't simply do it for the money. I guess back then there were a lot of bands that started thinking they can make a lot of money out of the whole deal. Once they realized things are not as they appear they became lawyers or whatever [Laughs]. We simply wanted to do albums and tour. This is our life and no trend could ever stop us. We just do what we do.

I am not going to ask you the known question will you make a new album but I will ask you to name us some songs you will play for us here in Athens at Rockwave Festival.

Thanks man, everybody does that question. Well, I can't really give away the song titles we will play but I guarantee you will hear all the classic hits from Fistful Of Metal and so on. I am pretty sure everybody will have a blast that night. Nobody will be disappointed. We can't wait to play in Greece after what happened last time [Athens Open Air, 2004]. It is going to be a great night.

I've read in several interviews that you mentioned none of the recent members of Anthrax has been fired. How will this work out?

We don't have anything in mind. We are doing a reunion tour right now and that's all that matters.

As far as I know you are shooting a DVD for this reunion. Can you tell us what this DVD will include?

We are filming everything we are doing, some live concerts. You will actually be able to see everything that lead to this reunion. You will see all of us meeting for the first time. Talking about everything and so on.

It seems we are living in the decade of reunions. What is your opinion about it?

I don't know. I think if the band has something to offer then do it. If not and its just for the money I definitely don't approve it. Truth is we have the chance once again to see great bands that has been out of the game for some time now. I would love to see bands like Faith no More reunite and Van halen with David Lee Roth. It all comes down if there is actually still a band and every member can offer to it.

I noticed on your site that you have became partners with an organization called Slave To The Metal. What can you tell us about it?

We have linked our name to this because our government here in the States tries to force our soldiers to take an Anthrax vaccine that is proved to make you sick and even make you die. We believe this has to be on a volunteer basis and everyone should have an opinion whether to take it or not. What kind of liberty is this? They also want to force the citizens by law to take the vaccine to avoid terrorist attacks. I don't want to take such a vaccine. Fuck that, I don't get this fucking shot! So we gave our name to the organization to help them as much as we can.

Something more positive. You have toured extensively during all those years. Can you tell us the one thing you love and the one thing you hate while being on the road?

Well, I love playing live, no doubt about it. I can't say that I hate something particular because if it turned out to start hating doing something then there is no reason doing it. Yes sometimes life on the road is hard and the thing I often miss is privacy since I spend most of my time along with many people. So when I go to a hotel with my own room, it feels great. But as I said, I don't hate anything in particular.

Anthrax have succeeded so many things so far. Still, are there any unfulfilled dreams for you?

To be honest with you, no. I only hope that I will have the ability to do what I do today for a long time ahead. Maybe to have the chance to play in more countries...

If you were not a musician, can you imagine what other job you would like to do?

I would like to write for a comic book. I have never done it but I think it is really cool.

Close this interview with a message to all your friends here in Greece...

Thanks for supporting us all those years. This year we will finally play for you and trust me we really want this to happen. See you soon!

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