Robban Back


Sweden is on fire giving birth to new Metal bands and PREY is one of them. Their latest album Knights Of The Revolution did well in the METAL TEMPLE rating so we hooked up with Robban Back to find more about them.
By Dimitris Kontogeorgakos
August 10, 2009
Robban Back (Prey) interview

Interview with: Robban Back from PREY

Greetings from METAL TEMPLE and my compliments on your second full length release!I have to admit that judging by the artwork and title I was expecting some like Euro Power Metal. Fortunately you have proven me wrong. Please introduce PREY's music to our readers!

Loud, Melodic Heavy Metal!! That's what we do and what we believe in. We burn for rock and will die in flames!

In my review I mentioned PRETTY MAIDS, EUROPE and JUDAS PRIEST in your influences list. Do you have anything to add or comment?

We grew up with and are still listening to all those heroes from the glory days. Other honorable mentions are ACCEPT and MOTLEY CRUE... I also find inspiration in other stuff than music, good literature for instance, like cartoons and Porn Magazines!

What is PREY doing right now?

Celebrating the good response we get from all around the world after the Knights Of The Revolution release!! We are also working hard on the follow up!

You had an album release party but you didn't make it. How did it go and why you did not attend it?

We did a lot of interviews and we were tied up at the time so, unfortunately we couldn't make it! we heard it was a blast though and really wish we could have been there and drink our selves shit faced together!

Let's go to the new album. Having already one album under your belt did you decide about the album's musical direction before starting to write the new material?

Starting out with recording demos we found ourselves really wanting to create something heavier this time! Keep the melodic elements from The Hunter but add a bit more ball crushing ingredients!

The debut album was well received; did this add any kind of pressure to you? I mean did you have to compete yourselves?

Of course we suffered some from the infamous second album fever, but we figured all we can do is what we do best and hopefully our old fans will dig the stuff. It seams we keep gaining a lot of new fans as well so we couldn't feel more relieved!

Is the music in Knights Of The Revolution the product of a team work? Or do you work individually and then mix your ideas in the studio?

As for this album Thomas was kind of the grand maestro and the guy behind the steering wheel. he started recording riffs and ideas in our own studio and then we all collaborated more or less while recording drums bass and keys... Thomas is the most democratic dictator you'll ever meet!

Did you face any difficulties while in studio? Any fight over the songs?

We fight all the time, like brothers are born to do!! its all in good spirit and makes the final product our very own bastard child that we love more than life itself!!! (ha ha)

I always wonder; are the record labels pushing the bands (especially the news ones) to produce an album in those cases that their debut is a good one? Did you have any pressure by them?

We actually recorded mixed and finished the album ourselves without any help or input from any label. When we felt satisfied with all the songs we contacted some labels and GMR were eager to set a release date!

What about the economical crisis; what effect has or will have in the Metal scene?

Lucky for us, true Metal heads (as ourselves) will ALWAYS buy the record and never steal!! We would never tolerate theft in our family and if you are a PREY fan, you are our family!!

Expanding the previous question, do you think that things are really difficult for new bands to make a stand in the Metal market?

Of course, there's thousands of thousands of good bands out there but only a few get the chance to give out CDs and tour. Secret of success always lies in making good music and always be true to yourself and your fans. Without the fans we are nothing!!

Sweden has been producing great bands in Metal; so, what is your secret? Do you teach Metal in school or what?

Ha ha yeah!! Go to school our die in prison, either way its my decision! (he he he)

So, what are your future plans for PREY? Any live dates ahead? Is there any band or bands that you would love to tour with?

We will hopefully do some touring later this year and a dream would be touring with some of our childhood heroes!!

Those were my questions! I really enjoyed your album and I hope to catch PREY on-stage sometime. Close this interview with a saying of yours!

We are the knights of the revolution, so join the PREY - Nation or forever be left behind. Thanks for showing interest in our music!

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