Reba Meyers
Code Orange
April 5, 2017
This has done a lot better response wise to our previous albums.
Yeah very positive, they have some great ideas for us and a lot more resources for us to use so it's a step in the right direction for us.
It changes all the time but currently ''Bleeding In The Blur'' and ''The Mud''.
Yeah as a band we are constantly changing and making new ideas as we progress so I feel it's a good change for us but we still have our original sound in there. It can be hard to translate that sometimes in our live shows with new tracks but I think we've got it covered.
Oh so many, when I was younger in Pittsburgh I used to go to all the shows so I got to see a lot of punk & metal bands, some local and some bigger. I don't get to see as many as I'd like to any more but I used to go to every show I physically could and it really inspired me.
I've been doing both for so long now that I'm used to it so I don't find it difficult, if anything I see doing vocals as another outlet.
Oh it's been great, it's been a really enjoyable tour for us so far and really crazy. I have a lot of respect for GOJIRA and CAR BOMB are great guys too.
Yeah we've toured with a lot but I'd say personally more our style of bands such as FULL OF HELL and TWITCHING TOUNGES.
Do it for you and make sure you're practicing a lot, keep focused and make sure you're doing it for the right reasons.
It's such an isolated incident and it's really bad what happened at the show which has raised a lot of mixed discussions about hardcore dancing in a positive and negative way.
Well hopefully every year is from now and for how long we keep this going, we've got some really big plans in terms of touring and music.
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