Ralph Hubert
Mekong Delta
May 6, 2012

You are welcome.
This was an real interresting experience as I came out of a different musicworld, classic and the 70s Prog stuff like E,L & P, YES and so on. Furthermore this kind of music was not well known if it was played by german musicians. A lot off problems had to be solved, how to record a distorted guitar? How to tape drummers which are not real good? How to handle bassplayers who where even not able to play? Remember a lot of funny stories out of that time. Imagine you go to a cutting studio to get the laquers for vinyl done (at that time – yes – no CDs!) and the cutting engineer asked you why you have not taken more care of the guitars while recordind as they are distorted - cost a litlle time to clear that the guitars should sound like this. But anyhow, the whole time was a great challenge and one person must be mentioned without whom the whole Metal scene in Germany would not have become such popular, Axel Thubeuville. He was the driving force behind all this. The 3 groups you mentioned for example where all discoeverd by him.
The way MEKONG DELTA was founded, that's a totally different story. I got to know Jörg Michael in the course of this recording process, and I noticed that he's got a lot of talent. I started arranging various occasions for him to play drums and got him involved in various projects that I was working on, so we were often together, and we talked a lot about music. The thing is that he was deeply into Rock music, and I was into classical things and stuff like YES. We came up to discussing this, he taught me something about Rock, and I taught him something about classic. One funny evening, I think it was late 1984 or early 1985; he came in with a demo by the band that nobody knew at that time, the METALLICA demo. He played me the first song from the tape, it was called "Fight Fire With Fire", and there was a rhythmical anomaly in it that's not so common. He was deeply impressed by that, and I also found it interesting – this combination between Punk and very fast Rock. I said, "Of course, it sounds good, but you can do it much more complicated and better." He looked at me and said, "OK, do it!". My reaction was "Why not?" So I took my bass and composed four songs within a week. Of course, they were not real finished songs, more like ideas and riffs, but I played them to Jörg, and he was so enthusiastic that he said, "Let's go to the rehearsal room, I have to play that". That was the rehearsal room of AVENGER, where Peavey Wagner also was at that moment, and we asked him to play the guitar to get a better sound. We tried it together, and for them it was a bit strange, because I put in some more abnormal rhythms than METALLICA. But Jörg was a really big talent, so he got it very fast. We played these songs, and Jörg was again amazed by that, so he said, "You must make a whole album of such stuff!". His heat list that is responsible for the birth of MEKONG DELTA.
In every interview I'm asking the musician what bands most influenced their style, and of course I can't miss this question with you