Mikey Doling

Channel Zero

With their new album already out to the public, CHANNEL ZERO have found time to talk "King Of All Kings" with Aaron Price, what it's like releasing an album on Metal Blade Records and maybe even they have a couple secrets to share.
By Aaron Price
September 11, 2014
Interview - Mikey Doling (Channel Zero) interview
How do you feel about the release of your new album "Kill All Kings" being released on Metal Blade Records?

I am very excited and proud be signed to Metal Blade Records worldwide. Brian Slagel, the CEO and founder of the label, for me is an icon in the Metal world for many reasons. Also since we have been working with MB we have very busy with promoting the record. I am totally impressed by them.

What was recording this album like being your second album after a 13 year hiatus?

Well the first wrote together in 2010/2011 (Feed'em With A Brick) we were trying to figure out where we belong music wise. After 13 years we change, you change, the world changed. Also me being the new guitarist, it was a trying out music period for the band.

But after that record, we understood our identity music wise, so writing the second one KILL ALL KINGS we had a total understanding of what we want to write and give to the Channel Zero fans.

Since you guys were gone for so long, do you feel like you sort of had to reboot your entire career?

I don't think rebooting our career is what CZ was looking to do. They just wanted to play some shows and have a good time. The fans loved CZ being back right away and we appreciated the reaction very much. Since I was the new guitarist and riff writer, we gave a new life to CZ shot- it sort of rebooted itself naturally.

I noticed you only have a few shows announced at the moment, do you have a full North American and European tour planned?

Well we have 8 European festivals booked now. We are planning to do many more shows. but this is all in planning now so I don't have anything to announce firmly.

What was the idea behind the album title "Kill All Kings"?

Well It's focusing on The World Banking System. And how we feel that these Capitol Pigs are the real KINGS of the world. They are hiding behind Religion and Politics and mainly WAR and DEATH to gain. We want to pull the curtain back and expose the Mother Fuckers!!!

Would you say that "Kill All Kings" is a good album for new fans to start with?

Yes definitely I do- It's where CZ is music wise now in 2014.

But then go back in enjoy the old records too. I'm a fan of the ones from the early 90's, they are fucking awesome- I wasn't there, that was the old guitarist and these records are amazing, true thrash metal.

2014 is also the 20th anniversary of your album "Unsafe" do you have any special plans for that?

I don't think so- Damn it, did you have to bring that up? haha 20 years- damn, we're old fuckers!!

How do you feel your vocals are on this album compared to past ones?

Well for me- as a guitarist and song writer, I have been looking for a singer that I can work with since Lynn Strait from my old band SNOT passed away Lynn was a fucking genius. With Franky I finally after 15 years plus I found the singer I was looking for. I can write again, whatever I write in the music, Franky paints a vocal masterpiece every fucking time…His voice has grown into a, what I think, one of the best in Rock N Roll today. "I am not just saying that cause I am in a band with Him- I am in a band with Franky, cause I can say that"

Are there any recent bands or albums you feel are starting to influence your vocal and writing styles more?

Nothing new that is directly influencing us no. We're mainly influenced from bands we grew up listening to- Slayer, Metallica, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Etc…

What is your favourite song on this album to do live?

My favorite one from the record? Sorry there are 2…. Kill All Kings and Dark Passenger!

Are there any stories since the reunion of the band that you'd be willing to share?

There are A lot of great moments- But the one that really stands out for me is- 2011 OZZY cancelled Graspop festival in Belgium, 60,000 people. Being that is where we are from and located- we got the call to replace Fucking OZZY fucking Osbourne- Whaaaaaaa?!!!- Judas Priest was main support for Ozz so, We asked if it was possible for Priest to headline and we could fucking play right before them- It was a deal and we rocked our asses off!!!- That was a great moment when we got that call. Oh yeah Black Label Society and Slash played before us. What a day!!

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