Maxel Black
August 2, 2005

Things are cool with the band Greg but the weather right now is hotter than hell here in Toronto and the humidity will make you melt. Toronto has had three weeks in a row of heat alert for the city. The rain has been sparse and many farm crops in the province have been lost to drought.
Do you all live in Toronto? I'm not that familiar with the map of Canada but I think this country develops extreme climate variations e.g. from the North to the South.
Three of us live in the Greater Toronto Area of Toronto, while Angry hails from Hamilton, Ontario. The weather is as diverse as the regions of the country. Canada is the second largest country in the world, spanning five different time zones and surrounded by three oceans.
Penetrator was formed by Bess, Simon and me in
I have a feeling that it's easy to come up with lots of compositions in Penetrator. The perfection in technical skills and the experience each member carries present a rather smooth way the tracks are rolling in Penetrator. I mean, you seem pretty conscious of what you're doin'. Should I refer to great chemistry in the band?
This is the best band I've ever been in due to each member's professionalism and lifelong dedication to the art. To date, we have 25 songs that we play with more to come for the next CD which will sound incredible when the production is completed.
Bess riffs all the time and when he plays something that rocks heavy he'll tell me about it over the phone the next day. When he introduces the riff to the band, we all start writing our parts from there. We write all of the music as a band and everyone shares how the song evolves during the writing process.
I get inspiration from authors H.P. Lovecraft, Anne Rice and Clive Barker for writing styles for our songs. As a band, all the members add a line or two for a song if everyone agrees that it sounds heavy. Penetrator's subject matter reflects our personal experiences or within the band. Often we will think of a name for a song and build lyrical content from the song title conception.
Our style and musical exploration will continue as a band, as we seek new heavy feels and experiment with our Power Metal direction. I think it is safe to say we will not sell out like other bands, like ourselves had done during the 90's. If we didn't believe our music wasn't relevant any more in the modern market place, Penetrator as a band would no longer exist. It is our experience playing live that confirms our belief in ourselves that we kick mother F&*@#ng ass and we blow away everybody we play in front of because we are gods of Metal power.
I love it all for one reason or another and I think it is great that so many people have embraced hard music after all these years. It makes me smile that Metal Rock is alive while other trends tend to fade away like their fans. Many anticipate a Metal age to return to the music world and strike with a vengeance. I just want to be there when it happens and celebrate Metal's triumphant return.
Canada imposes challenges for Metal music compared to the American and European music scenes. Canadian fans are in a different head space. If a Canadian band is selling well outside, Canada fans will jump on the band wagon. That's the confirmation they need to hear, that a band is OK to get into.
We had great shows and impressed everyone that we played in front of. Every place we played in the States we had big stages, drum risers and rabid fans who ate up the band's music. We had an excellent time and look forward to touring the U.S.A. next year.
Penetrator will play two festivals. One in St Catharines, Ontario, Canada on August 13th and the other in Thunder Bay, Ontario, War on the Shore Festival on August 29th. We hope to fill our schedule with lots of festivals in 2006.
Well for starters after drummer John Bonham died, Led Zeppelin did a class act by disbanding in the first place. When Robert Plant and Jimmy Page reunited, the tour and the new album was called Page & Plant not Led Zeppelin. Your perception of the Led Zeppelin legends humiliated themselves are inaccurate. Their show was both surprising and in step with the dynamic duo of old. Leave it up to the fans to decide when a retro band/artist should call it quits. If something more is offered than memories from these bands be thankful.
We love Greece and encourage fans to contact Penetrator or Sonic Age for more information on the band. Look to see you next year.
Stay Metal. Maxel, Bess, Angry and Oggie -,
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